How Skinny Guys New To The Gym ACTUALLY Build Muscle

The Complete Guide

Looking to add 5-10lbs of DENSE muscle to your frame in the next year? Want to learn the ins-and-outs of proper nutrition to gain weight and keep it on?

You’ve come to the right place

I have helped skinny guys with all levels of experience get stronger on the bench press, squat, and deadlift, as well as gaining 5-10+ pounds of muscle for the last 9+ years.

Let’s face it, while it sounds simple, learning how to build muscle/gain weight can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, I've broken it down into easy to follow steps.

Here are the 6 steps to starting your muscle building journey successfully.

Knowing your "WHY"

How many times have you thought about starting to work out and didn't or lost momentum AFTER starting. Not knowing your WHY could be holding you back.

Set A Timeline

Instead of going years thinking that you'll "reach your goal eventually", set a timeline to reach your goal. It really is one of the easiest and most overlooked aspects of a fitness journey.

Have Accountability With Another Person

Let's face it, working out on your own is tough sometimes. Having a friend, spouse, personal trainer, gym buddy, etc. be your accountability partner will help you stick with it when times get hard.

Set A S.M.A.R.T. Goal

Having a goal that isn't aligned with the life you want to live is a quick way to fail. That's why you want to set a S.M.A.R.T. fitness goal (discussed below).

Pick A Location For Training

Seems simple, but WHERE are you going to workout? There is a big difference in the types of workouts you can do based on location, and that will affect the quality of progress you make.

Set A Start Date

When will you start working out. Soon isn't the right answer. You need to select an exact day so it actually becomes real.

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The Benefits Of Adding Fitness To Your Lifestyle

Better health and longevity are 2 of the biggest reasons to start and maintain your fitness journey. You'll have lower risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer.

The physical benefits of a fitness lifestyle are the most obvious. Being stronger, having bigger muscles, less bodyfat, more energy, better quality sleep...the list goes on and on. 

The mental benefits of a fitness lifestyle are overlooked. You'll enjoy having more self-confidence in your appearance, there's a built-in healthy stress relief activity in your day, autonomy with knowing how to feed yourself healthy foods, comradery and friendship building in the gym, and so much more.

And that's what this guide is all about.

You can gain more control over your life, enjoy more strength, achieve a higher muscle mass potential, and learn how to eat in a sustainable way that leads to success.

And you don’t have to worry about making the wrong choices of exercise or nutrition that will lead to you hitting a quick plateau.

All you need to do is read this guide, understand what building muscle and gaining weight is all about, and determine if this strategy is aligned with what you want to do and who you are.

But first…

Before you even start researching how to build more muscle, think about this:

What is a successful fitness routine really built on? Picking the right exercises? Following a strict diet? Working out 7 days per week?

Actually—and perhaps surprisingly— the answer isn’t any of these things.

Rather, any and every successful fitness routine is built upon an unwavering dedication to making SMALL daily improvements.

Some people call this “motivation.” I call it being disciplined.

It’s a simple concept: put in the work (whether a lot or a little) over a long duration and you’ll get results.

This guide will give you the necessary skill set to make this happen. To receive the value you seek, it will be on you to meet this challenge and “walk the talk.”

In This Guide You'll Learn...

You'll step into becoming the best version of yourself. After starting a fitness journey, you impress yourself on a daily basis with what you are truly capable of.

If you are reading this, I assume you want to gain at LEAST 5lbs of pure muscle...but is it realistic to do this in a month? 6 months? A year? This guide will help put things in perspective for you.

You want to stick with a plan and stay consistent, but you always fail. Even when you have a gym partner, it never seems to workout for you and you fall off the wagon. This guide will show you how to have accountability that actually works.

You may have a fitness goal in mind, but it likely isn't a good goal...meaning a S.M.A.R.T. goal. S.M.A.R.T. goals allow you to work backwards with your fitness journey, meaning you know what milestones you need to hit every week/month/year to reach your big goals.

Are you into Crossfit? Olympic weightlifting? Powerlifting? Bodybuilding? Kettllebell training? Calisthenics? Cardio? These are just a few types of training styles, and WHERE you decide to train should align with what your goal is. This guide will help you decide where you should train.

Is there a BEST time of the year to start working out? The answer may surprise you. Keep reading to see what I think is best.

Who Is B Lewis Fitness?

My name is Brandon Lewis and I've been an ACSM and ACE certified personal trainer with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Exercise and Health from Purdue University since 2014.

I have worked with hundreds of clients over the years helping them to get stronger, improve their physique, have more energy, and improve their self-confidence.

My personal fitness journey started right after high school when I was 5'9 and 145lbs.

I learned through excruciating trial and error how to ACTUALLY get strong and build muscle (without using performance enhancing drugs). Since then I have dedicated my life to helping skinny guys just like me reach their goals, but in less than half the time it took me.

I don't have special genetics or any other gifts that you don't have. But when you know the correct way to maximize progress, working out becomes fun (and even easy), and you'll make gains you never thought possible.

Follow B Lewis Fitness On Instagram

Why I Wrote This Guide

While there seems to be a massive amount of information available on the internet, much of it is outdated, contradictory, or lacks detailed, actionable steps on how to actually START a successful fitness journey as a skinny guy. 

This has frustrated people over the years, because they have made mistakes in their fitness journey and wished they had a resource to help them avoid the pitfalls.

This guide will give you a detailed resource so you don’t have to make the same mistakes they did.

As a health and fitness professional, I know a lot about this stuff. I put this complete guide together to make it easier for you to learn not just how to start a muscle building fitness journey, but all the options available at your fingertips to improve your chances for success in it.

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What Does a Typical Day Look Like When You Have A Consistent Fitness Routine?

This is a question that a lot people ask before they get into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to build muscle and sustain healthy weight gain long-term.


Here’s a quick overview:

 The morning:

Start your day with a big breakfast, or a quick protein shake if you are running late. Possibly working out before work (if you're a morning person).


Having a snack and a lunch that you prepared ahead of time (meal prepped). Some people like to workout during a lunch break, so this may apply to you.


Having dinner (possibly working out after work first). Meal prepping the next 1-7 days worth of food, doing dishes from the current meal prep/past meal prep. Lastly, going to bed at a reasonable hour so that you get quality sleep.

This is what the majority of days honestly look like for those that have adapted the fitness lifestyle. It's not all glitz and glamour, but it's not complicated either.


Top 5 Myths About Building Muscle

Myth: You can't build muscle because you're an ectomorph

Fact: Just because you may be genetically predisposed to having a low appetite, does NOT mean you can't build muscle. If you under-eat food and burn a lot of calories, you will not gain weight. This goes for every single person on the planet, whether they are an "ectomorph" or not. You must find a way to eat more calories, train hard with weights, and you'll grow.

Myth: You can't gain weight no matter how much you eat (including pizza!)

Fact: While you think you are eating tons of food (but still don't gain weight), consider this...You have a finite amount of space in your stomach. As a skinny guy, your stomach is literally smaller than someone's who is much bigger. So even if you ate until you are stuffed, a larger person could eat the same thing and still be hungry. Your stomach needs to SLOWLY grow over time, so that you can handle more calories. Eating a large pizza once a week means nothing when most of the time you skip meals and mostly eat snacks.

I need to repeat this one more time, eating until you are full a couple times per day does NOT automatically mean you are eating enough calories to grow.

Myth: People in the gym care about what you're doing

Fact: The fear of going to the gym and being judged stops a lot of guys before they start. Listen, I get it, because I used to think the same thing. After over a decade of consistently being in the gym, I can honestly say that 99% of people in the gym are too concerned with themselves to pay attention to your workouts. Most people are just as self-conscious as you (if not more), they are at the gym to improve themselves (just like you), they were a beginner with limited knowledge at some point in life (just like you), and when people see you putting in effort they will want to help you succeed, not put you down and degrade you. Gym culture is one of support, friendship, and self-improvement.

Myth: Muscle weighs more than fat

Fact: This is one that you may have heard before, but it is completely a myth. Muscle weighs the same body fat. Muscle is more DENSE than body fat. It is a subtle but significant difference that you need to understand. Let's say you weigh 150lbs and 40lbs of that is pure body fat.

If your body composition changes, and you gain 10lbs of muscle and lose 10lbs of fat, you could still weigh 150lbs, but you would drop to 30lbs of body fat. Your physique would be drastically improved because the amount of space that 10lbs of fat takes up is larger than 10lbs of muscle. This is important to know because it may change what your bodyweight goal is (think: do I want to be a certain weight or LOOK like I am what I think that weight looks you want to LOOK 180lbs, or actually BE 180lbs).

Myth: No pain, no gain

Fact: Being so sore that you can't walk or move is gloried by bodybuilders...its is 100% a myth of no pain, no gain. In fact, it's counterintuitive.

For example: Who do you think could build more muscle, the person who does 200 workouts per year, or the person that does 100 workouts per year?

(Spoiler alert) It's the person who can do 200 workouts. If you are so sore that you can't function properly, you won't be able to workout hard enough to grow muscle in the days after. You grow muscle by working out moderately hard and doing it often.

Bodybuilders that are using performance enhancing drugs are the only ones who can train so hard they can't move and make consistent progress. It's out of the scope of this guide to explain why, but just know that if you can work your muscles 2-3 times per week, you'll see SIGNIFICANTLY more muscle development than hitting your muscles hard once per week.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long should you workout for?

A: There is no exact duration of working out that will work for everyone. It is dependent on YOUR schedule, what your training split looks like during the week, how many days per week you are working out, how hard you train, and how your recovery is going. 

For example, if you workout REALLY hard with little to no rest, you may only need to do a 30-minute workout.

If you are trying to maximize strength, you'll need to take long breaks and may need to workout for 90+ minutes.

Here is a good rule of thumb for you. Intensity, frequency, and duration are what determine the quality of a workout. You can only have two of those factors be present at a high level in a workout.

If a workout is intense, meaning the weight is heavy, you can do it either often, or for a long workout each session, but not both.

If you workout most days of the week (frequency), the workouts can be long with low weight (intensity), or high weight and short on time.

If your workouts are long (duration), you can either do them often with low weight, or do them on a low number of days with heavy weight.

*Remember to keep these factors in mind when working out.

**The best answer for most people is 45-75 minutes per workout. This will allow ample rest, but the intensity will still be high enough to make progress.

Q: What is the best diet to build muscle?

A: There is no best "diet" to build muscle. Everyone starts at a different beginning point, so what works for a newbie won't necessarily work for an experienced person. Your best bet is finding a way that you can eat that supports how you want to live EVERY DAY, you ENJOY the food, and it doesn't cause financial stress. That is the best "diet".

With that being said, skinny guys will generally want to aim for eating 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. So if you weight 150lbs, try to eat 150g of protein every day.

For carbs, you want to stick with eating starchy carbs like rice, potatoes, pasta, and bread, oatmeal and quinoa are great options as well. You will want to eat a lot of carbs during most meals, as this will give you a lot of calories and carbs are easy to eat.

For fats, they will come naturally with most meats, but things like mixed nuts, peanut butter, avocados, and olive oil are all great options.

After reaching your protein goal, the remaining carbs and fats distribution is up to your personal preference and how you like eat.

Q: How do I get a 6-pack?

A: The 6-pack is often seen as the holy grail of fitness success. When you are considering starting a fitness journey, you envision yourself on the beach with your shirt off, and people turning their heads in amazement of your Greek god level physique.

Unfortunately, that's not how fitness actually works. You may NEVER have a 6-pack. In fact, I don't have a 6-pack...and I never will.

This is because having a "6-pack" means that you have 6 abdominal muscles that protrude out your stomach and separate from each other. To achieve this, you first need very low body fat. Next, you need to genetically have muscle separation in that area. Some people literally don't have muscle separation that is symmetrical in their stomach.

That means even if they had 0% body fat, they wouldn't have 6 individual muscles that show in their stomach (again, I only have 5 that show when I'm really lean).

Now with that being said, becoming more muscular, having low body fat, and being well hydrated will allow you to have significant definition in your stomach, it just may not be a "6-pack".

Here's What You Need To Know

Why Do You Want To Start A Fitness Journey

Before you know what you want, you have to answer WHY you want it. In this chapter, I'll show you how to discover why you truly want to change and make fitness a priority in your life.

Take Me To Part 1

How quickly do you want to reach your goals?

There are a few different approaches towards reaching a fitness goal. An all-in approach to be as fast as possible, moderate approach to reach the goal somewhat quickly, and a slow approach to reach your goal after a long period of time. What makes the most sense for you?

Take Me To Part 2

Who will be your support system?

Envision this scenario - You are 1 month into your workout journey. Your muscles are sore, the holiday season is quickly approaching, there are a couple birthday parties you have to go to this upcoming month, and you have to work 10+ hours at work everyday this month...

Who can you rely on to make sure you stick with the plan?

Take Me To Part 3

What is your specific goal?

Do you want to build muscle? Get stronger? Of course the answer is yes! Everyone has that as a goal. You need to decide what is the most important one or two things you want to accomplish in the gym, then narrow that goal down to something specific.

Take Me To Part 4

Where will you do your training?

Location, location, location. Just like the old real-estate saying, location of where you'll do your training is everything. Having the right environment that breeds success is more important than most people think it is. 

Take Me To Part 5

When will you start?

It's time to throw the phrases "I'll start soon" and "I'm thinking about it" out the window. You are either going to do it, or you won't...and if you don't have a start date, you won't do it.

Take Me To Part 6

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How To Build Muscle As A Skinny Guy New To The Gym - Part 1

Why do you want to start a fitness journey?

#1 The purpose of your why (What things will improve in your life with fitness). 

Time to get real for a second. Why are you reading this? What are you hoping to gain? I know that you want to build muscle and get stronger, but why?

If you are like I was in 2008, you are extremely self-conscious and uncomfortable being in public settings because you don't like your appearance. It was a tough thing to acknowledge about myself, but once I did, that started me on the journey to actually make a change.

My purpose why I wanted to change is because I wanted to be more confident with myself in all aspects of life, I wanted to feel more comfortable talking to girls, I wanted to be able to go to a beach and take my shirt off immediately and feel good about what I saw, I wanted to feel like I could put up a good physical challenge if I got into a fight.

These were just some of my reasons why. Now, you have to take a step back and think about what will improve in your life if you reach your fitness goals. What CAN'T you do right now that you would be able to do if you reached your fitness goals?

Answering these questions truthfully will be hard, but reflecting on why you are starting in the first place will be the exact thing that keeps you going when things get tough. This will help you no longer rely on motivation to stay consistent. When you not only want, but NEED to reach your goal, you are on the fast track to success.

#2 What is your time factor (how much time are you willing to dedicate to your health and fitness).

Now that you know why you need to reach your fitness goal, the next step is knowing how much time you are willing to dedicate to your health and fitness.

Using myself as an example again, when I first started, I was obsessed with never being shy and missing an opportunity get what I want due to low self-confidence again. Because of this, I knew I needed to dedicate a LOT of time to improving myself.

If your reason why you want to start is because you want a "6-pack", you have misunderstood the previous section and need to go back.

You don't want a 6-pack, you want the CONFIDENCE you think comes with having a 6-pack. You want the attention from potential sexual partners you think comes from having a 6-pack. You want the respect from other strong people you think comes from having a 6-pack.

Be realistic with yourself and decide how serious you will take this journey, and know how much time you are willing to sacrifice to reach your goals BEFORE you start.

#3 What is your money factor (how much money are you willing to invest into your health and fitness)

Just like knowing how much time you are willing to dedicate towards health and fitness is important, it's also important to know how much money you are willing to invest into your health and fitness.

Back to myself as an example...When I first started, I was broke and could barely afford a gym membership. However, I knew that since I didn't have the knowledge of how to reach my goal, I needed to be in the gym environment to learn from others who have done what I'm trying to do.

My reason why was too big for me to let the cost of a gym membership stop me.

I want you to look at it this way - the money that whatever gym membership, group classes, personal training, etc. costs is not what you are paying for the's how much you are saving to stay in the exact same position you are in now.

For example, let's say a gym membership costs $19.99/month, see it as "I can stay unhappy with how I am right now for just $19.99/month", instead of looking at it as it costs $19.99/month to workout.

Another example: Personal training at a gym costs $400/month. Instead of looking at it like that, think, "I can save $400/month to not know how to workout or eat properly, or have more self-confidence in my appearance".

When you look at money in this way, it makes it easier to prioritize your own health and fitness. Before you start, think about how much is your success worth weekly/monthly/yearly...

Key Takeaways

WHY you want to workout is the most important factor that determines a successful outcome. It doesn't matter what exercises you do or what you eat if you don't have a good WHY. You won't stick to the plan long enough to see consistent results that last until you have an emotionally backed reason WHY.

Purpose, time, and money is what makes up your WHY. Starting a fitness journey requires mental, physical, financial, and emotional sacrifice. It's up to you and your reason WHY to decide if this journey is worth it. If you are ready to put the time in, and potentially spend money to be in the right environment that pushes YOU to succeed, reaching your goals might be easier than you think.

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How To Build Muscle As A Skinny Guy New To The Gym - Part 2

How quickly do you want to reach your goals?

The New Era Of Fitness

Most people have an extremely skewed view of what it takes to get in incredible shape, and how long it actually takes. Social media platforms like Instagram play a large part in the disconnect. This leads people new to the gym and with little experience feeling like failures because they aren't making as much progress as people they see online.

Something you need to know is that people in incredible (bodybuilding level) shape on Instagram have some combination of being genetic outliers, use performance drugs, use good lighting and angles, possibly photoshop, have normally worked out consistently for YEARS, and prepare for photoshoots for months on end. They DO NOT look like that the majority of the year.

This is especially true when you see someone gained an insane amount of muscle in a very short timeframe. Just because that person may have done that, it is not normal, and likely literally not natural. You should not compare yourself to these people. It is better if you compare yourself now to your past self.

Now that we have discussed that, you need to decide how quickly you want to reach your goals. You have three choices: The All-in approach, the moderate approach, or the slow approach.

  • The All-in approach means you will HAVE to make fitness priority #1, over your family and kids, over hanging out with friends, over staying up late playing video games, over alcohol/drugs. Fitness is you...and you are fitness. When you go all-in, you will make progress fast. The downside is that it is nearly impossible to maintain this approach long-term, so you may lose the majority of your progress you initially enjoyed once you stop being so intense with your focus.
  • The moderate approach means you will be intentional about your health and fitness, but it will not consume your whole life. The lifestyle of someone with this approach means you workout 3-5 days per week, eat healthy foods that get you closer to your goals 70-90% of the time, you still may occasionally consume alcohol, and you don't have to be perfect with your sleep schedule. Fitness is in your top 3 priorities in your daily life, and you treat it as such.
  • The slow approach means you don't have fitness as one of your top priorities, but you do care about it enough to exercise and try to eat healthy. The lifestyle of someone with a slow approach is working out 1-2 times per week, reducing the amount of fast food they eat by doing the occasional meal prep, using alcohol/drugs weekly, and working out when they feel they have the time and energy. You know that you should workout, so you do it when it is convenient for you.

Key Takeaways

Don't let the speed of someone else's results dictate how quickly you feel you should reach yours. If you are only willing to take a slow approach, but expect All-in results, that's a recipe for disappointment and failure. Make your goals match you work ethic and you'll be happy.

Instagram fitness influencers are NOT what real people look like. Comparing yourself to them is like comparing yourself to billionaires.

Are there a decent amount of fitness influencers that are actually in insane shape, ABSOLUTELY. But 99% of people literally can't get into shape like that.

Are there a decent amount of billionaires in the world, ABSOLUTELY. But 99% of people literally can't build wealth like that. 

What you can do, is improve yourself consistently, on a timeline that makes sense for the life you want to live.

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How To Build Muscle As A Skinny Guy New To The Gym - Part 3

Who will be your support system?

Can you do this fitness journey alone and be successful long-term?

Sure, I guess it is technically possible that someone has been solo from start to finish and achieved great things physically.

But for most people a support system will be a huge benefit to them. Your support system can come from a lot of places like: Family, a significant other, a designated workout partner, a gym buddy, or a personal trainer.

  • Family: Having family member know that you are on a self-improvement journey will add a built-in layer of support through peer pressure. If your mom, dad, brother, or sister know you plan on working out 3 days per week, when you go 7 days straight without doing anything, they will likely say something about it. Not wanting to let them down can be enough of a push to get you to workout when you don't feel like it. Even better, they may actually help you with little things like meal prepping or congratulating on your personal records that you are beating.
  • A significant other: Having the person you love supporting your self-improvement is powerful. If you are in a marriage, it becomes even more powerful if you start to think about sticking with the plan so that you can be there for that person as long as possible. Splitting cooking times and dishes from meal preps with your significant other will make it easier for you both to go on this fitness journey together.
  • A designated workout partner: Having one of your friends join you at the gym is a great way to maintain friendship through growth. Having someone you've known since before you cared about being in shape seeing you work hard to achieve something that requires discipline will also make them respect you even more. 
  • A gym buddy: Sometimes, the person that you need to hold you accountable to your goals is a complete stranger already at the gym. In gym culture, supporting others and helping others are a big component of why people go. You may be able to build a new bond and friendship with someone that works out the same days/times that you do every week. Now you will always have a friendly person to spot you when you train heavy!
  • A personal trainer: Getting a (qualified and experienced) personal trainer is a great way to add accountability to your fitness journey. First, you are paying for a service, so you have more built-in motivation to not waste your money due to laziness. Second, you will have someone checking on you to see what you are struggling with in the gym and with your nutrition, and they can make adjustments for you. This will limit how many plateaus you will hit on your journey, which increases your enjoyment of this whole process.

Key Takeaways

There is no need to make this tougher. There are no extra respect points you earn by achieving a great physique by yourself. Get someone you trust on your side and rely on them to hold you accountable

Don't view the buff guys at the gym as competition or bullies. They very well may be the best thing to happen to you. They have been where you are now before, they obviously consistently go to the gym, and if you develop a relationship with them, they will be more than willing to make you feel welcome in the gym culture. That alone could make you keep coming back, because you'll feel like you're apart of a family.

I'll be the first to admit that there are some TERRIBLE personal trainers out there, especially at commercial gyms like Planet Fitness.

However, if you get a personal trainer that knows what they are doing, it can reduce your trial and error period of trying to figure out how to achieve your goals. Also, you pay attention to what hurts. So if it hurts you a little to pay for physical improvement, you'll treat it more seriously than if it was free.

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How To Build Muscle As A Skinny Guy New To The Gym - Part 4

What is your specific goal?

Your fitness goal is probably never going to happen...and that's because it's a dream and a wish. "I want to build muscle" isn't a goal, it's a wish. "I want a 6-pack and big shoulders" isn't a goal, it's a wish. "I just want to feel better about myself" isn't a goal, it's a wish. For that reason alone, you could fail on this fitness journey, because you have no idea what a successful outcome even means.

When goal setting, I want you to pick a S.M.A.R.T. goal. That means specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Specific: A specific goal means you are selecting ONE thing you wish to achieve, and it is easily identifiable. For example, "I want to build muscle" is not specific. Do you mean leg muscle? Arm muscle? Over your whole body? How much?

An example of a good specific goal is "I want to gain 5lbs of muscle over my entire body". That is very specific of what the desired outcome is, which will allow you to know if you are getting close to the outcome or not.

Measurable: A measurable goal means you are picking a goal that allows you track progress over time. For example, "I want to get stronger" is not measurable. Stronger on what? How much more weight means stronger? 1 pound more? 300lbs more?

An example of a good measurable goal is, "I want to go from 135lbs for 5 reps on the bench press to 155lbs for 5 reps on the bench press". That is very obvious what the desired outcome is.

Achievable: An achievable goal means something that is actually possible based on your genetics, time-commitment, and work ethic. For example, "I want to gain 30lbs of pure muscle this year" is not an achievable goal. The human body can't create that much lean muscle tissue under natural circumstances, so you're setting yourself up for disappointment with that bad goal.

An example of an achievable goal is, "I want to gain 1 pound per week for the next 3 months until I am 12lbs heavier". That is an achievable goal, because that only amounts to gaining 0.15lbs per day. While that may seem small, it's exactly what's needed to reach that goal, and it's 100% doable for most people.

Relevant: A relevant goal is one that makes sense with the desired outcome. For example, "I want to get a 6-pack and gain 20lbs" is a bad goal. Those two outcomes contradict each other. The way you have to eat to get really lean is the opposite of how you need to eat to gain 20lbs. This will lead to disappointment.

An example of a relevant goal is, "I want to gain up to 20lbs while doing 50lbs more on the squat, bench press, and deadlift". This is a better goal because you could put on some size and strength at the same time due to the calorie increase.

Time-bound: A time-bound goal is one that has an end date. For example, "I want to go from a 200lbs squat to a 300lbs squat" is not a good goal. When do you want to be able to squat 300lbs? Next month? 6 months? 5 years from now?

An example of a time-bound goal is, "I want to go from a 200lbs squat to a 300lbs squat in 12 months". Now you know you need to go up about 10lbs on your squat every month to reach your goal.

Key Takeaways

A wish is an outcome with no set plan to get there. If I said "I want more money in the bank", it wouldn't make it a goal. I would need to know how much I want, when, and have it be realistic based on that time-frame and where I currently am in life.

Same applies to fitness. When you have a S.M.A.R.T. goal in place, you know how to reverse engineer your goal, which allows you to set small milestones every week or month. Seeing yourself succeed every week will keep your momentum going into long-term success.

I suggest you write down your goal somewhere you can see it often. This will be a constant reminder to yourself of what you are trying to achieve, and help you not get discouraged when you think you've hit a plateau. You'll keep your mindset on the end goal and the journey as a whole, not just day-to-day successes and failures.

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How To Build Muscle As A Skinny Guy New To The Gym - Part 5

Where will you do your training?

Where you decide to workout will have an impact on your muscle building potential. Different locations allow for different styles of training, different equipment, and different support systems. Here are some places you can decide to workout and what comes with it:

Home workouts: Working out from home can be extremely convenient. You have the ability to roll out of bed, and in under 2 minutes be exactly where you need to be to put in work. 

Pros: No travel time, no waiting for equipment, 24/7 access.

Cons: No external motivation from  seeing others working hard, probably won't have a spotter, may get distracted by kids/work/tv/spouse during workout.


Working out outdoors can be a great way to get some fresh air and sunshine during your workout to help brighten up your day. You can do things like running, calisthenics at a park, and even circuits if you bring some bands and dumbbells with you.

Pros: Enjoying fresh air, no waiting for equipment, 24/7 access, free.

Cons: Need to have a park or trail nearby, hard to workout when it's dark, hard to workout when it's cold.

Specialty gyms:

Specialty gyms include things like CrossFit gyms, powerlifting gyms, Olympic weightlifting gyms, and bodybuilding gyms. What makes these gyms special is that everyone there has a similar overarching goal. They will want to get as strong as possible, compete in a certain number of lifts, or build as much muscle as possible at all costs.

Pros: Niche training that may be exactly how you love to train, support group of people with similar interests as you, able to get coaching from people at an advanced level in your niche.

Cons: Set gym hours that may not work for you, usually high gym membership fees due to the niche, usually just one central location.

Commercial gyms:

Commercial gyms are what most people think of when they think of the gym. This is places like Vasa Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Snap Fitness, LA Fitness, and Crunch Fitness.

Pros: Usually have multiple locations, usually 24/7 access, cheap monthly membership, lots of machine variety.

Cons: Long wait times to use equipment during 5-7am and 5-7pm timeframes, little assistance offered to gym newbies, the gym's business model is to keep you signed up while hoping you don't show up.

Boutique gyms/studios:

Boutique gyms and studios are things like personal training studios, Orange Theory fitness, and barre studios. They are one of the fastest growing fitness businesses, as many people are looking to stick to a specific niche that offers high end services in a small intimate setting.

Pros: High quality 1-on-1 or small group service, personal attention from a qualified professional, potential group training dynamic that can make you work harder.

Cons: Specific hours of operation, high cost of entry, usually need to make an appointment to use the gym.

Key Takeaway

It may take you trying out several different types of gyms and places to workout, but it's worth it. Once you find your tribe, working out will be fun, which will make it a lot easier to get results.

And remember, people in the gym usually want to help you succeed, so don't be intimidated...also, stay far away from Planet Fitness...just trust me on that.

Don’t have time to read the whole guide right now?

No problem – I’ll send you a copy so you can read it when it’s convenient for you. Just let me know where to send it:

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How To Build Muscle As A Skinny Guy New To The Gym - Part 6

When will you start?

Having all the knowledge in the world about how to build more muscle won't do anything if you don't actually when will you start?


Before you actually pick a date, I want to validate some concerns you may have, and walk you through the right process to picking a good start date.

We must first start by saying that you actually WILL start, but it won't necessarily be easy.

Now, we need to talk about your work schedule. You know what your work schedule is throughout the month (on average). Whether you are a private contractor, work at a factory, or have a corporate job, understand that nearly everyone that has started a muscle building journey has a job too. So if they can do it with a job, you can too. If you have an upcoming timeframe when work will be as close to a normal schedule as possible, it's go time!

Next, let's talk about kids (if you have them). Your kids (hopefully) are one of, if not THE top priority in your life. While you may dedicate all your free time to them, do you think that being more confident in yourself and setting a goal and achieving it would set a good example for them? How about having more energy to play with them and go to events? It is extremely admirable to want to give your all to your kids, but you must remember that you are an individual as well, and if you aren't your best, you won't be able to be your best for your kids either. Your start date to workout should not be dependent on your kids schedule. You can workout before dropping the kids off to school/day care, immediately after that, after work, or later at night after picking the kids up.

We can't forget time with your significant other (if you have one). Spending quality time with someone you love is great...but just like the kids example, you being the best version of yourself will positively affect your love life. The confidence you gain from building muscle carries over in the bedroom, in public settings like dates, and it may even make you more adventurous. Try to get your significant other to see that you are serious about making a physical change, and picking a start date will be way easier.

Next up on things to consider is time for your hobbies. You need to make sure you keep time for hobbies you enjoy in your schedule. Whether it's sports, video games, Netflix, etc., that is part of your stress relief and enjoyment, and I wouldn't want you to forego them completely. Evaluate your schedule and how much time you spend on those hobbies. If you think you have ZERO time to workout, and that's what's stopping you from starting, you made need to do one less hour of a hobby each day to make time for lifting weights.

Some Tips:

  • Pick the same days to workout every week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday...whatever makes sense based on all the above).
  • Pick the same time to workout every week (will it be before work, during lunch, or after work?).
  • Pick the number of workouts you will do each week without fail. If you set a goal of 3 workouts per week, make sure that is actually feasible based on your schedule and obligations.

Now that you know how to really evaluate your lifestyle and how that relates to starting your fitness journey, it's time to pick an exact start date. Most people like to start on a Monday, but I suggest you start the day after reading this. That will immediately put pressure on you to get it done when your motivation is still high. It doesn't even have to be a crazy workout. Just go to the gym and walk on the treadmill to start. That momentum you'll build will go a long way. Waiting too many days will allow doubt to creep in your mind, and keep you complacent. GET TO IT!

Key Takeaways

Enter your potential workout schedule into your calendar on your phone. Put it up against all of your obligations. You need to find the pockets of time when you consistently have nothing on your schedule during that day/time. You DO NOT need to try to get 5 days per week to start. Can you start with just one day? ONE DAY per week? Yes, yes you can. Set the schedule, and respect it just like you would your work schedule.

Each day you procrastinate your start date, it becomes harder to stop. I get it, you want things to be right and perfect so you don't get hurt or waste your time in the gym. That thought process is what is holding you back. Just start! Literally do anything in the gym. You should build the habit of going first before you worry about specifics. It won't be perfect, but it will be progress.

Now what?

You now know how to start your fitness journey in a way that will bring you long-term success and consistency…but now what? Knowing all the theory of how to be successful with your health and fitness is great, but now it’s time to put that knowledge into action. If you have enjoyed and found value in what you’ve received here for FREE, you’re going to love what I have in my paid program, The Skinny No More Program.

Introducing The Skinny No More Program!

This program is perfect for guys in the exact same situation you’re in now, little to no CONSISTENT training and nutrition experience, ready to start and finally reach their goals, and only have a basic knowledge of what it will take to get there.

Info About The Skinny No More Program

Mobility/Injury Prevention

Training hard can lead to injuries when done incorrectly. In this program you'll learn how to treat current injuries, identify and improve mobility restrictions, proper warmup/cooldowns, and have access to 70+ exercise form videos.

Nutrition Education And Guidance

In this program you'll learn the basics of nutrition and the role it plays in maximizing your progress. Grocery shopping, meal prepping, macros, how to count calories, and more are all covered in-depth.

3-Month Training Program

Struggling to build muscle? This program maximizes your ability to build muscle over your entire body. Plan on getting stronger on all your major lifts, getting a bigger chest and arms, and having more confidence in your body.

The Skinny No More Program Is NOT For You If...

This program will not work if you don't know what EXACTLY you are trying to achieve or when you will start. Since this is a 3-month program, that is a long time where it will require you to remain focused. If your reason WHY you want to change is not strong, you will fall off the wagon and discontinue the program before completion.

Planet Fitness has a toxic environment that promotes inferior results (giving out free pizza, lunk alarms, "judgement free" zones, lack of free standing barbells).

If you are not willing to leave planet fitness for a gym that will allow you to do barbell squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, this program will not work for you. No, a Smith Machine doesn't count as a place to do those exercises.

I used to work for Planet Fitness, so this is not an uneducated opinion, leave that gym ASAP if you are a member and want to maximize your muscle building potential.

The Skinny No More Program is not free. So if investing in your progress is something you are completely against no matter what, this program wouldn't make sense for you. I think it is worth clicking to see what options are available for pricing of the program, but if you know you aren't willing (or in a position to invest), now is not a good time for the program.

There are plenty of YouTube videos for free that you can watch that may be able to help you.

The Skinny No More Program IS For You If...

This program is perfect for those who have little to no experience building muscle. I have had 10+ years of trial and error to achieve my physique and strength level.

This program is EXACTLY what I wish I had access to when I first started, as it would've saved me so much wasted time doing stupid training and nutrition mistakes that I learned from bodybuilders on YouTube.

This program will start you off on the right track, so you maximize your progress in as little time as possible.

If you are lucky enough to have a stable job that allows for discretionary income, and also have muscle building goals that haven't been met, this program is for you. 

I have no interest in people being put into a financial crisis just so they can build muscle correctly. I would rather a person get a part-time job with their free time if money is so tight that they couldn't even afford the payment plan of The Skinny No More Program.

Keeping a roof over your head and food on the table will ALWAYS be more important than muscle mass. But if you are in a position to invest, this is what you've been waiting for.

Not only is The Skinny No More Program a 3-month workout program, it is also a crash course on mobility, nutrition, and training concepts.

After completing this program, you will have the tools to have sustained, consistent progress long-term on your own. Just thing 90 days from now, you having the knowledge it took me 10+ years to learn!

"Landen's bench press went from 135lbs to 200lbs. Pullups went from 10 reps in one set to 23 reps. Landen was also able to gain 10lbs during the 3-month program!"

Job Title

"If you are like me, starting out you may not necessarily know exactly what to do, how much weight to do, or how many reps to do. He's done a phenomenal job laying this out to a "T". You can walk into the gym with confidence knowing what you need to do and how you need to do it. There's videos for everything, if you're not sure about a workout, you can go to his library and click on the link to watch a video and feel confident to step up and do it yourself."

Job Title

"The way you have everything laid out is perfect for anyone! Doesn't matter if you're a novice or experienced in the gym; this program should be a game changer."

Job Title

"This program is extremely detailed and very well organized. If you follow each day exactly as it's laid out, there is NO WAY to not achieve your goals!"

Job Title

"The 3 month online program Brandon has made is a great way to set up your success right off the bat. With it, you won't have to waste time doing trial and error. He covers ALL the angles to improving your health and fitness, including nutrition, rest/recovery, mindset, and proper form for lifts. With this program it's not just what to do and when to do it, but also HOW to do it correctly if you are just starting up and you're serious about making that first step, let this give you the right guidance from the start!"

Job Title

"This is something I wish I had at the beginning of my fitness journey! Brandon takes years of fitness experience and packages it into a program that will not only teach you what to do, but also gives you the mindset behind why you're doing it!"

Job Title


Here's a sneak peak of just SOME of what's covered in the program

There is a NO RISK 30-Day money back guarantee!

3 months and you'll have the strongest, most muscular body you’ve ever had! See Pricing Info Below.

Pricing Options

There are 3 different tiers to The Skinny No More Program, based on your needs and financial situation.

Payment Plan


3 Monthly Payments

-Detailed instructions of how skinny guys with little experience can build muscle long-term. 

-3-month workout program designed to maximize strength and muscle development.

-Mobility drills to keep you safe while lifting heavy weights.

-Lifetime access so that you have time to fully review the information in the course.

See More Details




-Detailed instructions of how to meal prep, grocery shop, set macros, and more to keep you building muscle long-term. 

-3-month workout program designed to maximize strength and muscle development.

-Exercise library and mobility drills so you learn proper form and stay injury free while getting stronger.

-Monthly 1-hour virtual training session (3 total) with B Lewis Fitness to discuss nutrition and training.

-Lifetime access to the program.

-BONUS: Lean Bulk Blueprint: 28 Day Challenge

See More Details




-Detailed instructions of how to meal prep, grocery shop, set macros, and more to keep you building muscle long-term. 

-3 month workout program designed to maximize strength and muscle development.

-Exercise library and mobility drills so you learn proper form and stay injury free while getting stronger.

-Weekly 1-hour virtual training sessions (12 total) with B Lewis Fitness to discuss nutrition and training.

-Direct feedback on nutrition, exercise form, and mobility needs through a personalized app.

-Lifetime access to the program.

-Scheduling priority over regular SNM Program clients.

See More Details

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